What’s This All About?

Hi! I’m Chris and I’m a treasurer of our neighborhood HOA, a retiree of Hewlett-Packard (26 year IT Manager) and more recently, the past co-owner of Stirling Staging LLC in Boise, Idaho. My wife, Carrie, is an interior designer who owns/manages Stirling Design LLC.

Similar to everyone, we’ve been fortunate to have had a number of exceptional service providers take care of a need or two, here n’ there. As such, we wanted to pay it forward for these folks and acknowledge their great service, quality of work and provide some extra visibility for them.

Too many times we must rely on searching the internet and briefly scan reviews posted by strangers. This site gives you a leg up before you do your due diligence with searching and evaluating potential service providers. It is still your responsibility to evaluate providers as information on this site does not guarantee a perfect outcome nor the best cost effectiveness available. But, it might give you a little more ‘peace of mind’ knowing that someone out ‘thar’ thinks highly of a service provider to take the time to share.

I felt that there wasn’t really an easy place for people to share their experiences other than word of mouth…thus, this blog. Note that I am not compensated for any of these posts. Additionally, the focus is on exceptional and responsive service, not necessarily lowest cost; however, value typically comes into play here.

I’ll aim for all my posts, and encourage posts by others, to be honestly transparent. If I do promote, say, my wife’s interior design services, I’ll ensure that this is clear and apparent despite being “just a tad” self serving. 😊

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